Constructivist contributions to forensic psychology

Constructivist contributions to forensic psychology: an analysis of the writings of Anders Breivik

El proper dimecres 28 de Setembre, de 18:30 a 20:00h a l’aula 1203 de la Facultat de Psicologia el Dr. David A. Winter, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire portarà a terme una xerrada titulada Constructivist contributions to forensic psychology: an analysis of the writings of Anders Breivik”.


Resum de la xerrada

Personal construct psychology provides both theoretical concepts and research methods that enable the adoption of a credulous approach to understanding another person by obtaining a glimpse of the world through their eyes. This talk will demonstrate the utility of such an approach with people whose actions, such as serial killing or mass murder, may appear horrific and beyond comprehension. It will focus in particular on the writings of the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, and will also consider more broadly implications for the understanding of radicalisation and deradicalisation.


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