The full series programme can be downloaded from here. (please, check for updates)
Juan Lupiáñez – Universidad de Granada
Date: 18th March 2021 (Thursday)
Hour: 13:00
Place: online
The poster of this talk can be downloaded here.
The presentation of this talk can be downloaded here
Myrthe Plaisier – Eindhoven University of Technology
Date: 29th April 2021
Hour: 15:00
Place: online
The poster of this talk can be downloaded here.
David Luque – Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Universidad de Málaga
Date: 13th May 2021
Hour: 15:00
Place: online
The poster of this talk can be downloaded here
Ernest Mas Herrero- Brainvitge – Institute of Neurosciences UB
Date: 27th May 2021
Hour: 15:00
Place: online
The poster of this talk can be downloaded here.
Laura Dugué – Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center CNRS – UMR 8002 & Université de Paris
Date: 3rd June 2021
Hour: 15:00
Place: online
The poster of this talk can be downloaded here.
Serena Sabatini – University of Exeter
Date: 17th June 2021
Hour: 15:00
Place: online
The poster of this talk can be downloaded here
Judith Domínguez-Borràs – Brainlab – Institute of Neurosciences UB
Date: 15th September 2021
Hour: 15:00
Place: Aula Antoni Caparrós (Fac. Psicologia, UB) & Virtual Room
The Barcelona Lecture Series 2020 (BLS20) is a collection of talks from international and in-house leading researchers organized by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona (UB). The lectures take place from February to June 2020, approximately every two weeks, at different venues within the Faculty of Psychology (Edifici Ponent, Campus Mundet). Invited researchers work on a large variety of topics related to cognition and behavior, making the lectures attractive to a wide audience from and outside the Faculty of Psychology, with topics ranging from speech perception to virtual reality and approaches from basic experimental research to modelling and clinical applications. The involvement of in-house researchers creates a good opportunity for students to get to know what research is being conducted at the Faculty of Psychology, and for researchers alike promoting the communication and collaboration among groups.
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 we have postponed all upcoming events until further notice.
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
The Barcelona Lecture Series 2019 (BLS19) is a collection of talks from international and in-house leading researchers organized by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona (UB). The lectures take place from February to June 2019, approximately every two weeks, at different venues within the Faculty of Psychology (Edifici Ponent, Campus Mundet). Invited researchers work on a large variety of topics related to cognition and behavior, making the lectures attractive to a wide audience from and outside the Faculty of Psychology, with topics ranging from speech perception to virtual reality and approaches from basic experimental research to modelling and clinical applications. The involvement of in-house researchers creates a good opportunity for students to get to know what research is being conducted at the Faculty of Psychology, and for researchers alike promoting the communication and collaboration among groups.
The full series programme can be downloaded from here.
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – 2107
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – Sala de Graus
15:00h – 1204