ICREA Researcher
Syndromes and mechanisms of paraneoplastic and autoimmune encephalitis
Francesco Mannara
Postdoctoral Researcher
Eugenia Maria Martinez
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jesus Planaguma
Postdoctoral Researcher
Marija Radosevic
Postdoctoral Researcher
Estibaliz Maudes
Early Stage Researcher
Gemma Olive
Early Stage Researcher
Paula Peixoto
Early Stage Researcher
Amirpasha Zamani
Early Stage Researcher
Jon Landa
Early Stage Researcher
Maria Rodes
Project Manager
Myrna Rosenfeld
Lidia Sabater
This programme is focused on the discovery of autoimmune neurologic diseases, mainly those mediated by antibodies against neuronal cell surface proteins or synaptic receptors. These studies include characterisation of syndromes and diseases; identification of novel antibodies and target autoantigens; and determination of the mechanisms of disease at the behavioural, synaptic, and neuronal circuitry levels. For this, a wide variety of molecular and electrophysiological techniques in vitro and in vivo are used. The resulting findings have led to guidelines on the differential diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune encephalitis, and new concepts on how autoimmunity can affect synaptic function, memory and behaviour.