We have developed MATHMAGIC, which is a “vaccine” against mathematics phobia. MathMagic is destined to children (2-7 years old) for teaching them the numerical system and pre-operational notions. As well as an introduction to spatial geometry, conecting spatial dimensions (width, height and depth) to the different orders of magnitude (the “ones place”, “tens place”, “hundreds place”, “thousands place”). MathMagic has a three-fold function: 1) It is capable to represent quantities either graphically or by figures; 2) It can transforms two operands in a result, based on action commands (using action verbs); and, 3), It can introduces to Geometry, making it easy to understand the n-dimensionality of space.
Keywords: direct observation, indirect observation, patterns of behaviour, T-patterns analysis, polar coordinates analysis.
Dr. José Antonio Aznar-Casanova
jaznar2 (at) ub.edu
August 2, 2016