On the 29th of November 2019, the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona hosted the IV annual PhD Workshop at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Campus Bellvitge. In addition to our own members, we proudly welcomed guests from our partner organization, the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience
The day started with an opening ceremony by Dr. José Luis Rosa López, Research Vice-Dean of the Faculty, and Dr. Raúl Estévez Povedano, member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Neurosciences. The opening ceremony was followed by oral presentations:
Jon Landa Medrano – “Immunological findings of the anti-IgLON5 disease”. Laura Bayón Cordero – “Analysis of the role of GABAB receptor in oligodendrocytedifferentiation and myelination in vivo”.
Diana C. Díaz Cruz – “Differences in reported rates of mind wandering are associated with divergent exploitation of environmental information in creative problem solving”. Helena Vall Roqué – “The relationship between appearance-focused social network sites use and body image concerns”. Marina Bartolomé Valenzuela – “An invisible reality or an ignored minority? Victimization and poly-victimization experiences among people with mental illness in Spain”. Nadia Paraskevoudi – “Effects of actions on encoding and retrieval of sounds: Physiological mechanisms”. Anna Sancho Balsells –...