Sessió en línia organitzada per l’Àrea Internacional de l’AGAUR amb la participació de les NCPs Laura Mohedano i Estefanía Muñoz. Inscripcions a principis d’any.
This event is free but registration is required.
Please register using the following form before Februrary 8th, 2021:
You can find the program-at-a-glance and the full program here:
A càrrec Nikolaos Floratos (en anglés). Inscripcions a principis d’any.
The 10th Meeting on Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes will be held online from 10th to 12th March 2021.
Registration is free of charge and you can invite you colleagues to participate, they only need to register to attend too.
There will be sessions for scientists, patients & caregivers, check our preliminary program in the website.
If you are a researcher in the field, we encourage you to present a poster. Deadline for abstract submission is 20th February 2021.
See our talks here!
The British Neuroscience Association will host its fifth Festival of Neuroscience, in partnership with the UK Dementia Research Institute in April 2021. Online and worldwide: take a new look at neuroscience at #BNA2021.
Myrthe Plaisier – Eindhoven University of Technology
The deadline for submission is: 23:59 (AEST) 30 April 2021
David Luque - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Universidad de Málaga
15:00. Saludo e introducción. María Blasco, directora del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO) y presidenta de la Alianza de Centros Severo Ochoa y María de Maeztu (SOMMa); José María Martell, director del Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) y Ana Bravo, presidenta de la Comisión de Igualdad del ICMAT.
15:20. Mesa redonda: “Políticas de igualdad en ciencia”. Participan: María Blasco; Zulema Altamirano, directora de la Unidad de Mujeres y Ciencia del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; y Rosina López-Alonso Fandiño, vicepresidenta de Organización y Relaciones Institucionales del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Modera: Patricia Fernández de Lis, redactora jefa de Ciencia y Tecnología de El País.
16:30. Conferencia Donna Ginther, profesora distinguida y directora del Institute of Policy and Social Research de la Universidad de Kansas, EE.UU.
17:30. Clausura: Noelia Vera, secretaria de Estado de Igualdad y contra la Violencia de Género.
El evento se retransmitirá en directo simultáneamente por la plataforma Zoom y el canal de YouTube del ICMAT. Nos gustaría invitar a los miembros de SOMMa a asistir a través del siguiente enlace de Zoom, para facilitar su intervención en el acto en los momentos indicados. El público ajeno a SOMMa podrá conectarse a través del canal de YouTube, por lo que os rogamos que únicamente difundáis de forma pública el siguiente enlace de YouTube.
Ernest Mas Herrero- Brainvitge - Institute of Neurosciences UB
Laura Dugué - Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center CNRS - UMR 8002 & Université de Paris
Stress: mechanisms, consequences and evidence for treatment.
Serena Sabatini - University of Exeter
Per veure la jornada en streaming entreu aquí.
9h - Benvinguda institucional (VR recerca o rector)
9h15-10h15 Taula Rodona: la iniciativa NewSpace a Catalunya (50+10min)
Moderador: X. Luri (ICC)
Ponents (confirmats)
○ Daniel Marco (Director general d'Innovació i Economia Digital GenCat)
○ Ignasi Ribas (Director IEEC)
○ Jordi Corbera (Gestor programa PCOT, ICGC)
○ Mònica Roca (Presidenta cambra de comerç de Barcelona)
10h15-10h30h Pausa
10h30-10h45 Introducció: els instituts de la UB (Albert Díaz, delegat del rector pels instituts de la UB)
10h45-13h45 Ponències dels instituts (15min per ponència)
• L’exploració de l’heliosfera interior: la clau per entendre el temps espacial (ICC)
• L'exploració espacial en els videojocs (IRE)
• La internet interplanetària (UBICS)
• Astroquímica (IQTC)
• Economic Impact of Space Science and Exploration: Evidence from the UK (BEAT)
[Torn obert de preguntes]
• El dilema del metà a Mart. El punt de vista d'un ecòleg. (IRBio)
• El cervell a l’espai (UBNeuro)
• Les tecnologies de teledetecció ambiental a Mart com a la Terra (IdRA)
• Caracterització a la nanoescala per a l’exploració del cosmos: EELS de meteorits (IN2UB)
• Mirant el cel cercant-hi Déu (IRCVM)
[Torn obert de preguntes]
The deadline for submission is 22nd June 2021 (17:00 CET). All applicants will be notified on the selection results by 30 June 2021.
Abstract must be submitted online no later than August 31st, 2021 and authors must be registered to attend this workshop.You will be notified by the Scientific Committee about results of acceptance before September 15th.
Webinar: Els acords transformatius i el seu impacte a la Universitat de Barcelona.
Agenda & more:
Thursday 25th November – Sala Antoni Caparrós – Edifici del Teatre (Campus Mundet) | |
14:30h | Registration |
15:00 – 16:30 | PhD session with Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members of the Institute of Neurosciences of UB |
· 15:00 – 15:15 - SAB Presentation - brief introduction of each · 15:15 – 15:30 - PhD Committee Presentation - What’s de PhD Committee?, What we do?, here you will know them, they are the organisers of this workshop! · 15:30 – 16:30 – Parallel Mentoring Round tables (1 for each SAB member) – Each session will be led by one of our SAB members. You need to register to the session you are more interested to attend to. In this mentoring sessions you will have the chance to interact with Senior Researchers from other institutions who you can mirror to in your future, prepare your questions to them! |
16:30 – 16:45 | Break |
16:45 – 19:00 | Workshop - Improvisational Leadership (by Performing Ideas) - this is one of the few companies in Europe specialized in teaching Improvisational Leadership, which looks at how to lead in complex unexpected situations when there is no plan and important decisions need to be made fast. |
19:00 – 20:00 | Improshow Event & beverage (by Planeta Impro) at the Mundet canteen – just fun time, is your chance to interact with other PhD Students of UB on the Neuroscience field in a relaxed atmosphere, share your interests, ideas, research, etc… |