Michael Rowe, PhD | Yale Department of Psychiatry
Citizenship today is often associated with legal citizenship, and especially with who has it and who doesn’t. Yet citizenship is more than its legal status, essential as that status is. Citizenship involves not only our rights and responsibilities in relation to our government, but our relationships with others, our access to resources, and our status as members of our communities and society. In his lecture, Dr. Michael Rowe will: 1) Address the origins of ‘citizenship and mental health’ in the practice of mental health outreach to people who are homeless in the United States; 2) Review the definition and principles of citizenship in mental health practice; 3) Describe key practices, research, and findings on ‘citizenship work’ in mental health; and 4) Argue for the relevance of citizenship in relation to mental health and community living for people with mental health challenges in other countries, such as Spain.