Here you have a funny opportunity to learn what investors expect from you and how to give it to them:
- Gain key insights on how to pitch to investors
- Let a VC describe what your first date with an investor is going to be like
As part of the initiative “Brain Health for Life” (15-16D), we have organized this informal webinar:
Nailing your first meeting with investors
Wednesday 9th Dec from 16h to 17:30h CET
16 - 16:20h Pilar Puig, Biocat. From the entrepreneur’s side: How to prepare your pitch, pitch deck & one-pager
16:20 - 16:40h Laura Rodríguez, In Vivo Ventures. Interaction with VCs: First meeting and evaluation process
16:40 - 17h Q&A
17-17:30h - Pitches of projects/companies participating at Brain Health for Life. Chair: Núria Martí, Director of Innovation, Biocat
Register HERE for free!
This webinar is part of ToHealth program, an EIT Health activity. The course is organized by Biocat, Institut Guttmann and “la Caixa” Foundation, with the collaboration of the Institute of Neurosciences of the Universitat de Barcelona, Meditecnologia and Medicen Paris, under the framework of B·Debate.