VI PhD Workshop
On November 9th, 2023, the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona, hosted the annual VI PhD Workshop at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences.
Once again, the Institue of Neurociences of the University of Barcelona, promotes a day to celebrate the remarkable scientiffic passion among early and late stage researchers.
The day began with the welcoming words of Yolanda Cajal, the Vice Dean of Research, Scientific Policy and Transfer joined with Jordi Alberch, the director of the Institute of Neurociences.
Right after the opening ceremony the oral presentations took place:
- Marta Casas, Identification of fast bilateral-homeostatic plasticity in X. tropicalis synapses in vivo
- Marina Carrasco Pérez, Preventive role of licochalcone A against neurodegeneration in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice hippocampus
- Sandra Gómez Vallejo, Obstetric complications in neurodevelopmental disorders
- Martina Trisia Cinca-Tomás, Differential auditory, pupillary and motor responses tothreat sounds modulated at high versus low amplitudes in a fear conditioning task
- Almudena Tello Sánchez, Identity fusion and extreme progroup behavior:investigating the role in religious and non-religious groups
- Ignacio Roura Blanco, Resting-state connectivity alterations and cognitiveperformance in Parkinson’s Disease patients
The day also included two sessions of poster presentations where more than 50 students showcased their work with fellow peers and researchers.

We also want to praise Anna-Christina Haeb for her poster ”Stimulation and Plasticity in neuronal cultures on high-density microelectrode arrays” rewarded as ”best poster presentation”. Also a special mention to Marcos Galán Ganga who has been granted the accessit prize for his poster ”Role of small RNAs in schizophrenia: Towards the development of a novel translational model and potential disease-specific biomarkers”
The plenary lecture was given by Dr. Lauren M. Hablitz, Assistant Professor at the Center for Translational Neuromedicine in the Department of Neurology at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Her current research focuses on the underlying biological principles of circadian rhythms and entrainment in health and illness. Dr. Hablitz conducted a session titled ”Circadian gating of glymphatic flow: current mechanisms and future directions” where she shared her latest research on leveraging circadian rhythms and sleep to enhance cerebrovascular, neuronal, and glymphatic function in pre-clinical models of persistent neuropathic pain and stroke.
Additionally there where also 3 practical seminars to complement the workshop:
- Mental health in research: It’s Time to Talk by Laura Hermida and Mireia Prime, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
- How to use ChatGPT in science by Mel Slater, PhD, Michael Wiesing Ph D, Jaime Gallego PhD, Ramon Oliva PhD, Event Lab
- Relevance of gender in research by Guadalupe Soria, PhD, Neuroimaging in experimental animal models and Julia Peral, Equality Technician (UBneuro, ICCUB and IQTC)
The VI PhD Workshop ended on a high note with a roundtable, open to everyone, aimed to re-discover Parkinson’s disease from different point of views brought by experts in the field:
- Chair: Pol Garcia Segura, Neurodegeneration and Signaling
- Fulvio Capitano, Parkinson’s Movement Advocate
- Yaroslau Compta, MD, PhD, Clinical and experimental research in Parkinson’s diseaseand other neurodegenerative movement disorders, Institute of Neurosciences, UB
- Cristina Malagelada, PhD, mTOR signaling dysregulation in neurodegenerativediseases, Institute of Neurosciences, UB
Afterwards, the remainig PhD students enjoyed a concert
We thank organizers from the Institute of Neurosciences Jordi Alberch, Cristina Pulido, Marta Turró, Marta Rubio and the members of the PhD Committee: Siham Ijjou, Clara Romera, Raquel Alsina, Pol Garcia and Irene Rodríguez
If you are a PhD student at the Institue of Neurosciences and would like to become part of the PhD Committee, let us know via email at ubneuro@ub.edu
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