The oxidation process favours recovery after a spine injury

The common drugs to ease the effects of a spine cord injury or an injury in the nervous system are anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. When a nerve is injured, a process of inflammation occurs and the immune system gets activated –it sends macrophages so they act...


The Cátedra Extraordinaria del Dolor honors Professor Francisco Ciruela for the design of the first photoactive drug with analgesic action

Professor Francisco Ciruela, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona, the Institute of Neurosciences of the UB and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), has been awarded the Preclinical Research Award from Cátedra Extraordinaria del Dolor of the University...


Constructivist contributions to forensic psychology

Constructivist contributions to forensic psychology: an analysis of the writings of Anders Breivik El proper dimecres 28 de Setembre, de 18:30 a 20:00h a l’aula 1203 de la Facultat de Psicologia el Dr. David A. Winter, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire portarà a...


5th Barcelona Lecture Series

The 5th edition of the Barcelona Lecture Series in Brain, Cognition and Behavior kicks off the 27th of October! This series of lectures, organized by several research groups from the Faculty of Psychology and the Institute of Neurosciences (UBNeuro) annually brings scientists of great renown to...


Talk “Constructivist contributions to forensic psychology: an analysis of the writings of Anders Breivik”

By: Dr. David A Winter, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire Date: 18:30h; 28 Setembre Place: Aula 1203, Facultat de Psicologia Abstract Personal construct psychology provides both theoretical concepts and research methods that enable the adoption of a credulous approach to understanding another person by obtaining a glimpse of the...


Personalitat dels joves amb problemes d’alcoholisme

Homes i dones practiquen el botellón però els patrons de personalitat que els impulsen a fer-ho són diferents El consum intensiu d’alcohol —beure cinc o més begudes alcohòliques, en els homes, o quatre o més, en les dones, en un període aproximat de dues hores— és...


Èxit Inaugural!

La sessió d'inauguració de l'Institut de Neurociències ha estat tot un èxit Dimarts, 20 de setembre, ha tingut lloc la sessió inaugural de l’Institut de Neurociències, que ha presidit el rector. En el seu parlament, Dídac Ramírez ha recordat que, en darrera instància, «l’Institut de Neurociències...